Simple Productivity Hack for Entrepreneurs

Where would you use that extra 2 hours? How much is 2 hours per day worth to you? How about within a 365 day period? With this simple productivity hack, you can save up to 730 hours yearly.

That’s 18.25 40-hour workweeks SAVED every year.

What would you do with that time?


Now that we understand the value, what is this one simple productivity hack?

It’s to make a plan before you start your day or a new project!

I told you it was simple…

But, hear me out before you think “I knew that…” and click off to another page.

Brian Tracy, a multi-millionaire businessman and trainer says, “every minute spent in planning saves as many as ten minutes in execution.”

Brian Tracy Speaking on Stage

So if you plan for only 12 mins a day, this can result in you saving 2 hours in wasted time during your day.

It’s such a simple thing you can do, yet so effective if done right! You probably already know doing it is important. So, if you’re not doing it already I highly recommend you start! It will create clarity, focus and control over your day.

The real challenge is being able to develop an effective plan for your day, that sets you up to WIN and allows you to move towards your vision and goals! 

It’s not enough to plan your day in any way. Here are our tips for planning your day!


5 Tips to Effectively Plan Your Day

1. Remind yourself about your vision, long-term goals and purpose

Whether you’re visualizing or deeply thinking, truly connect to your goals, what needs to be done to accomplish them, and why you want to achieve them.

This will allow you to plan your day based on those goals, not in reaction to what’s happening at the moment, giving you far more intention and clarity around what and why you’re doing it. Your proactiveness will give you the edge you need to be productive.

Also, most successful people are extremely intentional with their day, so leverage this habit to create more time and success in your day!

Intention and being proactive is more important than speed. You can be going nowhere quickly. Don’t be that person! Learn and apply this in your planning immediately.


2. Identify your goals for the day and then prioritize them from most to least important

Importance can be determined by ROI or based on how much closer it’s going to bring you towards your bigger goals and vision. 

From that prioritized list, you will be able to identify your top 3 goals and your number 1 goal for the day. Make those goals your non-negotiables for the day and take action on the first.

Usually, the most important tasks for you can generate fear, doubt, or uncertainty around them. 

Therefore, it can be more challenging to do them. Since that can be the case, you want to do those right away, especially when you have the most energy and are less susceptible to procrastination and holding yourself back from doing them.


3. Create time blocks for each task.

You can do this by approximating how long each task will take and what time you want to work on those goals, then putting it in your journal, planner or calendar. 

This will give you urgency around each task so you’re not procrastinating or pushing important things until the end. Also, you’ll be more eager to finish them because you won’t want it to interfere with another task in your day.


4. Use definite and empowering language when you write your goals down. 

Avoid being random, uncertain, and unspecified with the words you use.

Examples of what NOT to do:

  • Try to work out today
  • Do my marketing campaign
  • Make a youtube video
  • Eat less snacks
  • Call potential clients


Examples of what TO do instead:

  • I will work out at the gym for at least 30 mins
  • I will finish setting up my first ad for XYZ campaign
  • I will record, edit and upload my youtube video
  • I will eat a vegan salad for lunch.
  • I will call 15 potential clients and close at least 1 contract


The more specific and definite you can get, the better! Don’t allow yourself to be slick or find loopholes in your words that cause you to think you completed it, when you really didn’t. Be honest with yourself and stop yourself from settling for less than what you wanted.


5. Set your plan the day before

Once you have finished your current workday, do a quick 15-minute planning session for the following day. 

This gives your mind time to process those tasks while you sleep and you’ll wake up ready and clear on what needs to be done that day. Giving you the motivation and eagerness to want to start right away and giving you more time for taking action!

I hope you found this useful and will take action on this right away! 


What are your thoughts on planning your day?

Comment your thoughts and questions below!

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